My Dissertation
The Evolution of Women in Comedy:
Taking Up Space and Tearing Down Societal Expectation in Post-World War II USA
Hello there! I have no idea how you've ended up here, but here you are! Happy to have you! I found myself shuffling through some old files on my external hard drive recently and it hit me! Have you ever thought to yourself, "ya know, that Johny Walsh girl, didn't she live in Ireland to get a Masters Degree? because I swear all she did was travel all over Europe and occasionally attend class." Well, boy oh boy, are YOU in luck! For the first time *~ever~* I have made my Masters Degree Dissertation publicly available on my website below! So, yes, you smartypants you, I *did* frolic all over Europe (because that was my number one priority aside from attending classes, writing papers, doing research, and making a home in Dublin), BUT I *also* wrote a 14,262 word dissertation (I'm a Writer with a capital W)! It's 60 pages long, and YOU CAN READ IT! FOR THE OUTSTANDING PRICE OF ZERO DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS!! (is this smart? should i put it on my OnlyFans instead?)
Ya know, I knew it. I had a feeling you woke up this morning wanting to read a cool, dry 60 pages of academia. And man oh man, am I feeling just so fortunate to make your dreams come true.
So when I got my Masters Degree from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, I wasn't sure what to do next. What does one do with a dissertation after one writes it and it is accepted as a fine work and one is awarded a Masters Degree? I joked about printing it out and hanging it on my wall alongside my diploma or - even better in my personal opinion - printing it out as reading material for the guest bathroom, but then I thought, "hey, Me, don't you have a website where you can post your dissertation so people can read it if they want?" "Of course, what a smart idea, Me, although I don't know who'd want to read this behemoth!" BUT, doubts about an audience aside, here it is - all 14,262 words (60 pages) of dissertation glory. It's smart, it's dense, it's *~academia~* baby!