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hi! this is my blog!
(I'm so happy you're here!)

5 min read
The Big 150: 9, Life - What’s your happiest memory from your childhood?
Ah, childhood. So many wonderful memories. And yet, I sit here wondering which is the happiest. I almost feel like I don’t have a ton of...
3 min read
The Big 150: 8, Education - What career advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?
Oh, man. I love questions like these. What career advice would I give to my 16-year-old self? I don’t know that I’d give any advice to...

3 min read
The Big 150: 7, World - Where would you most like to live? (And why aren’t you living there already?
Well, if you’ve been following along on this journey, you may have noticed quite a few mentions of Cork, Ireland. That’s probably where...

4 min read
The Big 150: 6, Self - What’s something you’ve let go that once meant the world to you?
Hmm, what *is* something I’ve let go that once meant the world to me? Are all of these questions just meant to be doozies? Seriously. To...

3 min read
The Big 150: 5, Relationships - What is something not many people understand about you?
Hmm. Well, this is quite a ponder-ful question. Ponder, ponder, ponder. I am pondering. Look at how intensely I ponder. Something many...

3 min read
The Big 150: 4, Life - Write about the place you call home.
Ah, “home.” I can’t pick just one place, so I won’t. And as this is my Big 150, I will do whatever I dang well please. So there!...

3 min read
The Big 150: 3, Self - When was the last time you left your comfort zone - how did you grow?
Ah, the good ol’ comfort zone. I feel like I do a lot of things that push me outside that fuzzy little bugger. I take on various rowing...

3 min read
The Big 150: 2, Random - What does your happy ending look like?
Full Prompt: Assuming your life is a story and you’re the author, what does your happy ending look like? My initial reaction to this...

4 min read
The Big 150: 1, World- What event do you think impacted the world the most?
Oh, wonderful. I’m so happy to see we’re starting out this journey with something easy. What event do I think impacted the world the...

2 min read
The Big 150
Sup y'all I’ve just gotten to the end of #NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and I didn’t write as much as I’d hoped. No, no, no,...
1 min read
a funny thing happened on the way to the guest room
I've written various pieces on this blog over the years, but I can't say I've ever been super quick to share poetry I've pieced together....
2 min read
time flies when in a bubble
Happy Friday, everyone! It's been awhile, huh? How are you feeling? Are you taking time to check-in with yourself and give yourself the...

6 min read
affordable movies: Omniplex Rathmines
Happy Friday! Woop Woop! Let's all channel our best inner-Rebecca Black! How are you feeling? Are you taking time to check-in with...

6 min read
the best Spanish food in Dublin: Viva
Happy Thursday! You’re nearing the end of the week! How are you feeling? Are you taking time to check-in with yourself and give...

8 min read
my Irish love, Cork: Live at the Marquee with Daryl Hall and John Oates
Happy Wednesday! And as someone who just started sipping on her first pumpkin-flavored coffee of September, happy Pumpkin Spices season!!...

6 min read
my Irish love, Cork: Ardeaglais Naomh Fionnbarra
Happy Tuesday! And Happy September! Can you believe it’s September already?! How are you doing? Are you taking time to check-in with...

6 min read
my Irish love, Cork: Crawford Art Gallery
Happy Monday! It’s hard to believe it’s already the last day of August. How are you doing? Are you taking time to check-in with...

9 min read
100th post of quarantine!
Happy Saturday! You made it to the weekend! This post is my 100th blog post since resuming blogging a couple months while in...

5 min read
Yamamori: the best Japanese food in Dublin
Happy Thursday! You’re nearly finished this week! How are you doing? Are you taking time to check-in with yourself and give yourself...

6 min read
youtube, a chalk horse, and stonehenge
Happy Wednesday! How are you doing? Are you taking time to check-in with yourself and give yourself the care, love, and attention you...

11 min read
31 lessons for 31 years
Happy Tuesday, cuties! Today’s blog post is a bit of a break from all the wonderful traveling I’ve done. I took yesterday off from...

6 min read
science tea and pure comedy
Happy Sunday! Happy Birthday Weekend (yes, my birthday’s on Monday, but we can all celebrate)! How are you doing? Are you taking time...

8 min read
salt mines and bowling alleys
Happy Saturday! Happy weekend! Happy Birthday Weekend (yes, it’s mine, but we can all celebrate)! How are you doing? Are you taking...

8 min read
salted white dresses and blue satin sashes
Happy Friday!! And since this coming Monday is my birthday (and Kobe Bryant day), tonight officially starts birthday weekend! How are...
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