local celeb sighting

Happy Wednesday! How are you doing? Are you taking time to check-in with yourself and give yourself the care, love, and attention you need? If you didn’t get a chance to read yesterday’s post - “dún laoghaire ice cream” - you can click here to read all about some of my favorite marathon training runs outside of Dublin City Centre. Also, if you didn’t get the chance to cast your free daily vote for me to be the next #MaximCoverGirl, you can click here to vote or click here to read about why it’s important to me (and then vote!). You can vote once every twenty-four hours for free, and I am so grateful for your support! I'm still in the running and in the top 10 of my group! Voting for round 4 ends this coming Thursday night June 25th and will see 5 more women eliminated from my group, so I’d love your support and votes to make it through to the next round!
When I lived in Dublin, I got to meet a local celebrity - Mattress Mick. I was out with my fellow Masters one night in the first couple weeks of our Masters Degree experience together at the Porterhouse on Nassau St. for pints and socializing. Side note: Porterhouse does not carry Guinness because it’s a microbrewery that carries all its own beers; they’re all pretty good, but I tried to order a Guinness the first time I went and felt like a pretty silly goose for not reading the menu above the bar first!
After I failed to order a Guinness and ordered their stout instead, I heard one of my fellow classmates squeal in delight. From across the other end of the bar she had spotted Mattress Mick, Dublin and Ireland’s national treasure. She knew immediately that she wanted to talk to him and get a picture. I obviously obliged and ended up getting a photo with him, as well. He looked properly like an older Irishman and was incredibly kind and gracious. If I were still living in Dublin and needed a mattress of any sort, I would be sure to check out Mattress Mick’s collection. I mean, check out this video of him flying on a mattress-
Have you ever run into a local celebrity like Mattress Mick? I’d love to hear about it! Subscribe in the e-mail submission box below and reach out, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and reach out to me on the “contact” page. I’m so happy you're here and that I’ve been receiving a lot of really incredible stories, questions, and feedback from a community all over the globe! Other people’s stories that I’ve gotten to read via e-mail, text, tweet, DM, etc. recently bring me such smiles, and I am so grateful for all of it! I hope I get to hear all about whatever stories you’ve been thinking about as we’ve been on this virtual journey together! Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you have any restaurants/eateries/pubs/coffee shops/ice cream joints you would recommend in other countries or even in your current home town or city, I'm absolutely 100% all ears!! I couldn’t do this without you! So THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart, truly, thank you.
P.S. - If you want to catch up from the beginning on this series of adventures, here's a cheat sheet to the posts (in order in which they were published):
50. juneteenth
#dublinhalfmarathon #trinitycollegedublin #dublin #dublinireland #ireland #guinness #porterhouse #nassaustreet #mattressmick #celebrity #celebritysighting #dunlaoghaire #icecream #travelwriter #womenwhotravel #girlswhotravel #travelblog #natgeotravel #timetravel #solotravel #travel #traveler #blog #blogpost #videoblog #blogging #blogger #acting #actor #act #actress #actorslife #actors #writerslife #write #writerslife #writer #rolemodel #model #modeling #maximcovergirl2020 #maximcovergirl #maximmagazine #maximcovergirl #maximmag #maximcovergirl2020 #maximcovergirl20 #maxim #maximcover #vote #voting #campaign #contest #adventures #adventure #celebsighting #irish #beer #microbrewery #microbrew #mastersdegree #masters #postgrad #europeanunion #europe #european #youtube #wanderlust #2018 #2019 #2020 #coronavirus #covid19 #indepent #independence #local #localceleb #localcelebrity #wexfordmarathon #marathontraining #marathoner #barcelonamarathon #halfmarathon #marathon #dubliner #irishbeer #craftbeer #brewery #theatre #dublincitycentre