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affordable movies: Omniplex Rathmines

Happy Friday! Woop Woop! Let's all channel our best inner-Rebecca Black! How are you feeling? Are you taking time to check-in with yourself and give yourself the care, love, and attention you need? If not, it’s perfectly okay to set aside time for yourself to do whatever you want/need to do during ‘me time.’ Maybe your thing is yoga, meditation, running, reading, tending to a pallet garden you built, sewing some pillowcases for your home decor, making a dress to match your homemade mask, paddle boarding, bringing old furniture back to life, woodworking, tooling around with some new tools, or even playing animal crossing with family and friends, but whatever you want to do during your assigned ‘me time,’ make sure you’re doing it and giving yourself a break.

If you didn’t get a chance to read yesterday’s post - “the best Spanish food in Dublin: Viva” - you can click here to read about delicious tapas and paella in the Portobello section of Dublin’s fair city. Also, in case you didn’t get a chance to see, I posted my most recent refurbishing project on Instagram last night - my total makeover of a new dresser! I’d love if you took a minute to check it out by clicking here - talk about a true labor of love (and it even matches my desk!). Otherwise, if you’re all caught up, we’re taking another day in Dublin to talk about one of my favorite, low-key places - the Rathmines Omniplex.

Part of the truth about living abroad is that many of the days can’t be filled with travel to exotic places. If life were globe trek glam all the time, it wouldn’t be globe trek glam. Many of my days in Dublin were spent researching, going to class, hanging out at home cooking and playing ukulele, running and doing yoga, having friends over for tea, and doing other everyday things like grocery shopping or playing in my twice-weekly basketball league.

Since my class schedule was structured with class MWF and days off on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I tried to fit in a lot of my errands on my days off so that I could just enjoy my weekends exploring and spending time with friends. Looking back now, I realize just how much I really did pack into my weeks so that weekends were usually ultra relaxing and sometimes without plans!

The movie 'Tenet' was released in theatres yesterday without any option to stream it online, and I would've actually paid to be able to watch Tenet from home because I am not going to a movie theatre anytime soon. When that realization hit me, I discovered what I wanted to write about for today's blog (in combination with talking about Avengers: Endgame briefly yesterday) -- one of my favorite things to do a couple times a month while I lived in Ireland was go to the local movie theatre, the Omniplex in Rathmines. It was just about a 5 minute (max.) walk from my flat, and on Tuesdays every movie viewing was only 6 euros. I saw so many great films while I lived in Dublin and some I might not have otherwise seen thanks to the bargain price.

The Rathmines Omniplex was just (and still is) a standard local movie theatre without any fancy reclining seats, but it did have air conditioning for the rare hot days of summer (something you can't find virtually anywhere in Ireland), as well as a Willy Wonka-esque candy bar where you could load up before your movie. Located next to the Swann Centre (a quaint little mall), I would often see a movie and then pop over to Flying Tiger Copenhagen to waste a couple euros or to the local organic shop to pick up the best peanut butter ever (more to come on that!). If you’re looking for a nice place to kick back and tune out for a couple hours, the Rathmines Omniplex is worth checking out!

Do you have a weekly ritual you love to do for yourself? Like seeing a movie on Tuesdays when it's cheaper? Let me know! Subscribe in the e-mail submission box below and reach out, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and reach out to me on the “contact” page. I’m so happy you're here and that I’ve been receiving a lot of really incredible stories, questions, and feedback from a community all over the globe! Other people’s stories that I’ve gotten to read via e-mail, text, tweet, DM bring me such smiles, and I am so grateful for all of it! I hope I get to hear all about whatever stories you’ve been thinking about as we’ve been on this virtual journey together! Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you have any restaurants/eateries/pubs/coffee shops/ice cream joints/theatres/lookout spots you would recommend in other countries or even in your current home town or city, I'm absolutely 100% all ears!! I couldn’t do this without you! So THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart, truly, thank you.



P.S. - If you want to catch up from the beginning on this series of travel adventures, here's a cheat sheet to the posts (in order in which they were published):

#omniplex #omniplexrathmines #rathminesomniplex #rathminesdublin #rathmines #dublineats #dublinireland #dublin6 #dublin #portobellodublin #trinitycollegedublin #visitdublin #dublincitycentre #dubliner #ireland #visitireland #irish #europe #european #europeanunion #movie #movies #wanderlust #adventure #adventures #rebeccablack #flashbackfriday #friday #fridayvibes #fridayfeelings #fridayfeeling #mastersdegree #masters #trinitycollege #trinity #postgraduate #postgrad #bloggin #travelblog #blogpost #blogger #blogging #blog #traveler #travel #worldtraveler #timetravel #solotravel #travelbug #girlswhotravel #womenwhotravel #travelwriter #traveling #natgeotravel #writing #writerslife #writer #write #writerslife #americanabroad #liveabroad #studyabroad #abroad #losangeles #LA #actorslife #act #actress #actor #actors #acting #film #filming #television #movietheatre #movietheater #tenet #2019 #2018 #2020 #coronavirus #covid19 #globalpandemic #pandemic

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